Who I am

Mirah Sand, OTR, PCES (they/she)

I received a Master’s in Occupational Therapy from Boston University, and a B.A. in theater and social action/social change from Bard College at Simon’s Rock. I approach pelvic floor therapy through a trauma-informed biopsychosocial lens, meaning that I see all bodies as connected to a vast web of multifaceted stories and contexts. I approach this work through curiosity, collaboration, and supporting clients to increase their capacity for pleasure. I have a background in meditation, mindfulness, and somatics, which I use to nourish myself as well as support others. I’m a queer, white, Jewish, nonbinary person living on occupied Massachusett land, known as Boston. My therapeutic approach is informed by disability justice and queer/trans liberation. Mostly, I want joy and nourishment for all.


  • An Introduction to Female Pelvic Floor Function, Dysfunction, and Treatment (Herman and Wallace)

  • Urogynecologic Function, Dysfunction, and Treatment (Herman and Wallace)

  • Function, Dysfunction and Treatment: Colorectal and Coccyx Conditions, Male Pelvic Floor, Pudendal Nerve Dysfunction (Herman and Wallace)

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (Sarah Duvall, DPT)

  • Pelvis Pro (Sarah Duvall, DPT)

  • Introductory Pelvic Health Care for Trans and Gender Diverse People (Pelvic Health Solutions)

  • Male Pelvic Pain (APTA)

  • Rectal Evaluation and Treatment (Nicole Cozean)

  • Manual Treatment of the Abdominal Wall (Herman and Wallace)

  • Visceral Manipulation 1, 2, & 3 (Barral Institute)

  • Fascial-Pelvis Myofascial Release (John Barnes PT)

  • Lumbar Spine Management (ICE)

  • Craniosacral Unwinding I and II (IPSB)

  • The Voice and the Pelvic Floor (Herman and Wallace)

  • Neurofascial Approach to the Diaphragm, Breath, and Vocal Column (Integrative Bodywork Education)

  • Mapmaking for Somatic Practitioners (Integrative Bodywork Education)

  • Ehlers-Danlos Society ECHO Allied Health Professionals training

  • Vagus Nerve Masterclass (Nicole Cozean PT)

  • Post Trauma System Development (Organic Intelligence)

  • End of Trauma Course (Organic Intelligence)

  • Movement for Trauma Level 1 (Jane Clapp)

  • Somatic Experiencing Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced 1
